Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development


Discusson Paper on Development Assistance

Discussion Papers (DPs) are parts of our endeavors to deepen understanding of international development assistance and provide an opportunity to argue important today’s issues with researchers in domestic and abroad. DPs also contribute to improve the quality of our activities through feeding back the results discussed in the DP to our projects. Following is the lists of Discussion papers written in English since 2004.
NUMBER Title Author PDF Date
No.7 Comparison of African and Asian Development Models: For Mutual Understanding of International Development Policies Between Japan and the United Kingdom Shigeru Ishikawa 500KB March 2008
No.6 Japanese ODA: Adapting to the Issues and Challenges of the New Aid Environment Takamasa Akiyama, Takehiko Nakao 2.96MB October 2005
No.5 Trade/Investment Policies and Development Assistance Policies of Japan: A Note on Policy Coherence Kazutomo Abe 2.31MB March 2005
No.4 The Role of Governance in Development Revisited: A Proposal of an Alternative View Yasutami Shimomura 24.8MB March 2005
No.3 The Reshaping of Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA) Charter Kazuo Sunaga 171KB November 2004
No.2 The "Poverty Trap" and "Public Expenditure Management"
- In Pursuit of a New Development Model -
Shigeru Ishikawa 1.03MB August 2006(revised after accepted in 2004)
No.1 Commitment to Development Index (CDI): Critical Comments Yasuyuki Sawada
Hirohisa Kohama
Hisaki Kono
Munenobu Ikegami
740KB March 2004

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